Effects of social contact on reversal learning and fear of novel objects in dairy calves

Social deprivation in early life impairs certain types of learning and can induce anxiety and... >>

Inconsistency in dairy calves’ responses to tests of fearfulness

Fear is generally agreed to be a major welfare concern. Although it is frequently studied... >>

Too cute to kill? From the depiction of animals in children’s literature to the framing of government policy by adults

21-22 July 2016 This was a two day truly interdisciplinary workshop held at the University of... >>

New laboratory mouse handling video tutorial

The NC3Rs has released a new video tutorial to help technical staff and researchers to... >>

Report of the second Newcastle meeting on laboratory animal euthanasia

Millions of laboratory animals are killed each year worldwide, either because their organs or tissues... >>

Black or white? The effect of tank background on the welfare of laboratory frogs (Xenopus laevis)

The environment in which laboratory animals are kept profoundly influences their welfare and can affect... >>

Animal Welfare Research Network logo

AWRN Funded Workshops 2016 / 17

The vision of the AWRN is to foster enhanced collaboration and cohesion within the animal... >>

Welfare assessment protocol for practical application in long-term dog shelters

The risks for dogs’ health and welfare when housed in shelter environment, especially for long... >>

Quick, accurate, smart: 3D computer vision technology helps assessing confined animals’ behaviour

Behavioural indicators are among the preferred parameters to assess welfare. However, behavioural recording (usually from... >>

How home pen design affects the welfare of laboratory dogs

A new publication in the Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Methods compares the effect of... >>