Wouldn’t hurt a fly? A review of insect cognition and sentience in relation to their use as food and feed

  • Key finding:

    Globally, there is increasing pressure to find solutions for feeding the growing human population. One of the proposed answers to this problem is to farm edible insects, both for human consumption and as feed for domesticated livestock. But what do we know about these miniature livestock? Are they capable of suffering, and if so, what does this mean for this new and growing industry? Here, we review a fraction of what is currently known about insect sentience and cognition, and call for more research to be done into this important subject.

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Lambert, H., Elwin, A., & D’Cruze, N. (2021). Wouldn’t hurt a fly? A review of insect cognition and sentience in relation to their use as food and feed. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 105432.