AWRN Mentoring Scheme


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Registration is now open for both Mentors and Mentees to sign up to the AWRN Mentoring Scheme!

About the scheme
The scheme aims to support the next generation of researchers in animal welfare science by matching Early Career Researchers to someone who can mentor them in an area they want to work on. These can include their research topic, general career progression, applying for jobs / fellowships, working with industry / stakeholders, careers outside of academia, collaborations or work/life balance. There are options to select a one to one mentor (with someone with more experience) or peer mentoring (working together with someone at a similar career stage). We aim to match our mentees to mentors in January and each partnership would be committing to at least three meetings of one-hour each across the course of a year. 

We have set up forms to gather information to assist us in matching Early Career Researchers with mentors. The deadline for completing the forms is Monday 19th December at 5pm, with the aim of matching mentees to a mentor in January. Each mentor-mentee partnership would be committing to at least three meetings of one-hour each across the course of a year. 

Information for mentors
We haven't defined specific criteria for being a mentor, so you do not need to be a senior academic to volunteer, indeed we would love to source a range of mentors from within and outside of academia. If you want to know more about the scheme then you can read our guidance here: Link to Rough Guide to AWRN Mentoring for Mentors.  
If you have read the guidance and would like to join the scheme as a mentor then simply fill in the form (link below), giving us some details including the areas that you feel able to mentor in and we will match you to a mentee looking for support in that area. Please complete the form even if you were a mentor last year, to ensure that we have up to date details and information about whether you will be continuing with any mentoring relationships from last year.  
Link to form for mentors to register 

Information for mentees
We are really pleased that you are considering participating in this mentoring scheme. If you want to know more about the scheme then you can read our guidance here: Link to Rough Guide to AWRN Mentoring for Mentees.  
If you want to participate then simply fill in the form (link below), giving us some details, including the areas that you would like to be mentored in and we will try to match you to an appropriate mentor. Please complete the form even if you were a mentee last year, to ensure that we have up to date details and information about whether you will be continuing with any mentoring relationships from last year. International ECRs who are registered with the AWRN are eligible to apply for the mentoring scheme. We cannot promise to find mentors for everyone who applies as it depends on the number of mentors volunteering.  
Link to form for mentees to register

If you have any questions about the mentoring scheme or anything else to do with the AWRN, then please get in touch: Link to e-mail Poppy