NC3Rs Project Grants

Type of funding: Grant Funding

The National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) funds multidisciplinary research to provide 3Rs models, tools and technologies that scientists in academia and industry can use to answer important questions to generate new knowledge, improve human and animal health and protect the environment.

A Project grant is a research project which supports the development of new 3Rs approaches and technologies. Applications from any area of medical, biological or veterinary research are within remit – those that integrate a range of disciplines or include an industrial partner are particularly encouraged.

The amount requested should be dependent on the science. Awards are for up to 36 months and funded at 80% of the full economic cost (fEC).

Initial outlines should be submitted by 11th January, only some applications will be invited to submit full applications (18th April).

Deadline: 11/01/2024

Eligibility criteria:

Establishment eligibility
Any UK research establishment including:
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).
Independent Research Organisations (IROs).
Research Council (RC) Institutes.

Individual eligibility
Applicants should be UK-based researchers who can demonstrate that they:
Will direct the proposed research.
Will be actively engaged in accomplishing the project’s aims.
Hold a graduate degree – the minimum formal qualification required. However, it would normally be expected that an applicant has been awarded a PhD. Applications involving less experienced researchers should be made in collaboration with a more senior colleague.
NC3Rs grant holders with more than 12 months remaining on their NC3Rs grant, at the time of application, are not permitted to apply as a Primary Investigator for further NC3Rs funding (excluding CRACK IT, Skills and Knowledge Transfer and Strategic Awards – please contact the Office to discuss).

Overseas researchers
Overseas researchers cannot be Primary Investigators but can be included as collaborators. Overseas co-applicant status can be obtained in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the NC3Rs – approval must be sought before applying.

Further information can be found here.