The Welfare Needs of Captive Reindeer Used for Entertainment Events in the UK: a review








Tayla Hammond


Key Finding

In accordance with the ‘prevention of harm’ provision of the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006, it is my recommendation that the use of reindeer in entertainment events is ceased.


Research Aim

The review aimed to establish the welfare needs of captive reindeer in the UK, particularly those used for entertainment. The aims of this study were to (1) identify and summarise the current research to describe the welfare needs of captive reindeer, (2) use this information to describe the impact of captivity and entertainment shows on reindeer welfare and (3) provide recommendations by which to improve captive reindeer welfare.



Reindeer were originally imported for exhibition in zoos and wildlife parks but are increasingly being purchased by private owners as pets or as a business opportunity. They are now a popular sight during Christmas in garden centres, retail outlets and town parades. Whilst current legislation aims to safeguard their welfare and ensure ethical treatment, a formal assessment of reindeer welfare under these conditions.



I first used a literature review to identify and summarise the current research to describe the welfare needs of captive reindeer. Using this information, I described the impact of captivity and entertainment shows on reindeer welfare and provide recommendations by which to improve captive reindeer welfare.


Industry or Policy Relevance

Public pressure to cease the exploitation of animals is growing. There is a current drive by Animal Welfare and Rights charities including OneKind, Animal Aid, Born Free and Freedom for Animals to urge venues and local authorities to cease using reindeer in their Christmas events.


Route for Practical Application

Current practical application is citing the report in an open letter signed by 10 other animal welfare organisations, that OneKind, Animal Aid, Born Free and Freedom for Animals sent to 370 venues and councils across the UK. The letter called on venues, that planned exhibits or had currently exhibited live reindeer in their Christmas celebrations, to cease the use of live reindeer in events.


Confidence in Findings and Next Steps Towards Realising Impact

This review provides an evidence base from which further work on reindeer welfare can be conducted. A summary of the report is provided on the OneKind website. Please contact me for the full report.






Link to the Review

Link to an associated petition