NC3Rs aTRACKtive Challenge

Type of funding: Grant Funding

This Challenge aims to develop non-invasive and non-toxic methods for mouse identification from birth that are amenable to automated tracking technology and home cage monitoring.

There is a briefing webinar on their web page.

Deadline: 04/01/2024

Eligibility criteria:

The competition is open to any UK or European* body, public or private. Applications can be from single organisations or investigators or from consortia. The lead applicant must be UK or European* based.

Applicants from the same organisation(s) as the Sponsors are not eligible to apply.

Applicants may already hold a grant or contract from the NC3Rs or other funding bodies for research related to the topic for which new funds are being sought. In such instances, details of all relevant research funding, including that from industry, should be included in the application.

Further information can be found here.