AWRN Kick Start Funding 2024


Animal Welfare Research Network logoThis award aims to drive forward novel animal welfare research ideas (e.g. by supporting pilot data collection) that will lead to future grant applications (e.g. to UKRI or Innovate). It aims to enhance the career development and research skills of future PIs and promote high quality animal welfare grants.

We can fund up to seven Kick-Start projects this year, with up to £7,000 per project. At least one of the projects will be ring-fenced for an Early Career Researcher, who may for example be aiming to gather data to write a Fellowship application. Inter-disciplinarity and collaboration with relevant experts in other fields are encouraged. To ensure that these projects are relevant to stakeholders, we are particularly keen to fund projects where researchers are collaborating with industry or charity partners and co-funding and/or in-kind support are offered.

All projects funded under this scheme will be expected to generate a future grant application, ideally to a UKRI funder, so this will need to be a key part of your application. Those receiving funding will also need to produce a summary report detailing outcomes from the award for the funding body. They may also be invited to present their findings at the AWRN Annual Meeting, thus inspiring others to submit applications in future rounds. 

If you want to apply there are two key documents you need:

1) Guidelines 
Please read the whole document before deciding whether to apply:
Link to Guidelines

2) Application Form 
Please ensure you complete all the sections:
Link to Application Form

The deadline for this funding is midnight on Thursday 29th February 2024. All projects will need to be completed by 30th March 2025. 

If you have any questions about the Kick Start Funding Scheme or anything else to do with the AWRN, then please get in touch: Link to e-mail Poppy