Early Career Researcher Committee



The Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee is led by the Postdoc and Postgraduate Representatives who also sit on the Coordinating Group of the AWRN. The aims of the ECR Committee are to Champion ECRs within the AWRN community, to support the AWRN and to improve animal welfare. The individuals elected to the ECR Committee are as follows: 


Postdoc Representative
Kate LewisUniversity of Portsmouth
Postgraduate Representative
Urja ThakrarRoyal Veterinary College
Social Secretary
Paula Baker Laying Hen Welfare Forum
Careers & Research Officer
Ben Lecorps University of Bristol
Impact Officer
Lucy Oldham SRUC
EDI Representative
Maeve PalmerQueen’s University Belfast
International Representative
Animal Representative
Teaching Mentor
Kate Lewis University of Portsmouth
Open Science Officer
Helen Gray Newcastle University
Interdisciplinary Connections Officer
 Fiona French London Metropolitan University
Disability Support RepresentativeNicki PhillipsUniversity of Lincoln
Animal Welfare Law OfficerHelen TeddsHartpury University
Research Communication OfficerTapinder SidhuUniversity of Portsmouth