Advancing Animal Welfare Science: How Do We Get There?- Who is it good for?
Date: 03/07/2019
Site Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgium
This two day international symposium will explore two major themes:
1) Developments in animal welfare science that are likely to extend our understanding of animals’ needs or how to assess animal welfare or sentience. This symposium will provide an opportunity to present on new and exciting developments in animal welfare science methodologies and new findings that will inform animal welfare care or use.
2) While the primary ethical case for being concerned about animal welfare is the presumption that some animal species have feelings and that those feelings matter to them, benefits to humans are often put forward as reasons for improving animal welfare. Examples include: an improved product for farmed animals, better models for animals used in research or animals more likely to survive and breed successfully if released into the wild for the zoo community. However, it is also the case that animal welfare and human goals and interests are not always linked.
Keynote speakers include: Professor Linda Keeling (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden), Dr Joseph Garner (Stanford University, USA) and Dr Hans van de Vis (Wageningen Livestock Research, The Netherlands).
Submission of abstracts is now closed.
Early bird registration until 1st March 2019.