Animal Welfare and Sustainability

Date: 03/03/2022







Can good animal welfare be part of sustainable agriculture?


Dealing with the climate crisis and ensuring food security are vital components of agricultural policy. Animal welfare and sustainable food production methods are part of this debate but are often thought to be in opposition. For example, often intensification of agriculture is considered relevant for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but this often means poorer animal welfare. Can we provide sustainable food production, without increasing emissions, whilst still ensuring good animal welfare? This will be considered in this webinar.

This webinar will be hosted by Prof Cathy Dwyer, Head of SRUC’s Animal Behaviour and Welfare Research Group, and Director of the Jeanne Marchig International Centre for Animal Welfare Education (JMICAWE), at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh.

The panel:

Prof Alistair Lawrence, Professor of Animal Behaviour and Welfare, SRUC.

Prof Jimmy Turnbull, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling.

Dr Rebecca Doyle, Chair of the Animal Welfare Action Network, Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock, JMICAWE, University of Edinburgh .

Prof Andy Peters, Professor of Tropical Veterinary Medicine, Director SEBI, R(D)SVS, University of Edinburgh.

The event is free, you are just asked to register to get the link to attend. 

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