ECR Monthly Meet Up – Experimental Design
Date: 08/03/2022
Taking place on 8th March from 10am to 1pm (GMT), this session will be run by Matt Leach from Newcastle University.
Experimental design for in-vivo science: Things you may not want to know, but probably should!
In this session, we will discuss some of key concepts of experimental design in studies using animals that are often misunderstood but are critically important for designing experiments. These concepts enable us to not only conduct valid, reliable and repeatable studies efficiently but also comply with the principles of the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) which are fundamental the humane use of animals in research. We will cover the concepts of fidelity and discrimination, replication, reliability, experimental unit and sample size determination, variability and its control. Using these concepts we will then discuss how and when to use common designs in in-vivo Research, such as random, randomised block, factorial, and within-subjects designs.
The session will be on Zoom and the details to connect will be circulated to the ECR Mailing List.