ECR Monthly Meet Up – October

Date: 31/10/2022

Online, on Zoom

Animal Welfare Research Network logo






Interests: whose do we consider when we do animal welfare science, and why does it matter?


with eva read (LSE)


Monday 31st October – 1pm to 2.30pm GMT (UK time)


In this session, we will take a more philosophical perspective on animal welfare science. We will explore whose interests we take into account (both consciously and unconsciously) along the various stages of animal welfare enquiry. And we will consider what effect this has on a) our ability to produce knowledge, and relatedly b) our ability to ‘be the voice’ for the species that we work on.

Discussions on these topics will be focussed around four key areas of animal welfare science:
1) defining animal welfare
2) measuring animal welfare
3) judging what constitutes unacceptable, acceptable and optimal welfare
4) taking animal welfare science into policy and advocacy. 

We hope you will join us for some interesting discussions around this topic area. 

Zoom links for these meetings are circulated to the Early Career Researcher Mailing List. 

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