From beak to tail – mechanisms underlying damaging behaviour in laying hens and pigs

Date: 07/08/2017

Aarhus, Denmark

This is a satellite meeting to the ISAE Meeting. 

The workshop is organized as a joint activity between the FareWellDock network and the GroupHouseNet COST-action, and aims to bring together researchers working within the field of damaging behaviour in both pigs and poultry. We believe that by joining efforts on an interspecies level we have the opportunity to greatly enhance the understanding of the mechanisms underlying tail biting and feather pecking. Both behaviours are challenging, from an animal welfare and from an economic point-of-view, while in several countries, as well as at the EU level, the ethical justification of tail docking and beak trimming is currently being debated.

Date and time: August 7th, 2017, 9 am to 4 pm.

Location: Aarhus, Denmark


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