Human Behaviour Change for Animals: Designing interventions and measuring their impact
Date: 06/09/2020
This workshop on “Human Behaviour Change for Animals: Designing interventions and measuring their impact will take place online on Sunday 6th September 2-6pm BST.
Understanding how and why people behave the way they do can provide solutions to challenging issues that affect animals. This HBCA workshop will introduce the key concepts, principles and theories regarding the science of human behaviour change, together with exploring how interventions can be designed and evaluated. There will be case studies throughout the session to bring the theory to life in a practical setting, and the online workshop will include presentation, and reflective elements. There will be some background reading to do before the event and a follow-up exercise after the event. A recording will be available for purchase if you can’t attend the live session.
Participants will have a basic understanding of the key principles of human behaviour change.
Participants will have a basic understanding of how interventions and research projects could be designed.
Participants will have a basic understanding of ways that behaviour change can be measured.
Participants will know where to go to for further information and support should they want to learn more.
This workshop is sponsored by Cats Protection, who will also be co-facilitating this workshop as part of the HBCA team.
The early bird rate is £30, this increases to £35 on August 10th.