ISAE 2020 Global Virtual Meeting

Date: 06/08/2020






Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the ISAE Congress in Bangalore India was postponed to August 2021. In the meantime, we would still like to provide an opportunity, especially for students and early career scientists, to present their work. We therefore announce a virtual meeting on 6-7 August 2020. This meeting will feature different ISAE regions from six continents to showcase the diversity within our society, running as a 2x12h online webinar marathon!

As a scientific society, ISAE recognises the importance of supporting and promoting diversity in its membership and the wider community, in gender, age, ethnicity, geographical representation and other factors. Therefore, we always welcome and encourage people from all backgrounds to submit an abstract for a talk and participate in our virtual meeting. The meeting will be free of charge and open to members (with early-bird registration) and non-members alike.

This meeting will not only facilitate networking of applied animal welfare scientists around the globe, it will also be the perfect chance to learn more about the latest research happening in each ISAE region, so do join us in this first time ISAE global virtual meeting!

Important Dates:
22 June: Abstract submission open – click here to submit an abstract
29 June: Public registration open – click here to register
10 July: Abstract submission closes
20 July: Speakers notified
28 July: Registration close
31 July: Deadline uploading talks
6-7 Aug: Meeting time! (12 h Thursday + 12 h Friday

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