ISAE 2023
Date: 01/08/2023
Tallinn, Estonia
One Ethology, understanding animal behaviour to improve the lives of animals, humans and society.
Registration for this event is not yet open.
Abstract submission
Deadline for abstract submission is 25th February 2023.
The themes for the meeting include fish behaviour, laboratory animal behaviour, human-animal interactions, behaviours as indicators of positive welfare, abnormal animal behaviour, PLF and other new techniques for measuring animal behaviour, companion animal behaviour and linking behaviour and genetics.
Conference Programme
Speakers are not yet confirmed, the conference will start with a pre-congress workshop on Farm Animal Welfare on Monday July 31st. The conference itself will run from Tuesday 1st August to Friday 4th and on Saturday will be excursions.
Conference Venue
The congress venue is Viru Conference Centre in Tallinn, Estonia.