Seventh Annual Meeting of the AWRN

Date: 18/01/2023

Great North Museum, Newcastle, UK.

Animal Welfare Research Network logo






The Seventh Annual Meeting of the Animal Welfare Research Network took place on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th January 2023. 



Location of meeting


The meeting was held in the vibrant city of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne in the North-East of England, which has great transport links (including an airport). The venue was the Great North Museum, which is positioned in the centre of the city (link to how to find the Great North Museum) and is accessible (link to accessibility information).


Theme of meeting


The theme of the meeting was “Animal Welfare Science and Society”. This year the AWRN conference focuses on the complex relationship and interactions between animal welfare science and society. It explores and reflects on the current relationship, how it might develop to better serve the wellbeing of animals and people and the implications for research and policy. 



Resources from the Meeting


Members can now access the full schedule and abstracts from the event, videos of talks from the meeting and a summary of the ECR Breakout Group by logging into the website (see login link in top right of page) and selecting “Meeting Presentations” then “Annual Meetings” then “Seventh Annual Meeting” on the main menu. Alternatively, once you are logged in to the website you can use this link: LINK TO SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING RESOURCES

In addition we have a report on the meeting written by Andrew Crump, which can be found here:

Link to Report on the Seventh Annual Meeting of the AWRN


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