UFAW Animal Welfare Conference

Date: 20/06/2023






UFAW Animal Welfare Conference: Recent Advances in Animal Welfare Science IX 


This event will take place on 20th – 21st June 2023 and will be held online. The meeting will feature short and longer talks and posters.


Keynote speakers

Dr Beth Ventura (University of Lincoln, UK)
Title: Animal welfare: The elephant in the room is us

Professor Lars Chittka (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)
Title: Bee sentience and its welfare implications

Other speakers will be announced soon.



Registration for the online animal welfare conference is now open. 

The conference registration fees are:

Active contributor (speaker/lead author on poster) – Free

Individual – £65.00

Student/Veterinary nurse/Unwaged – £30.00**

Delegate from eligible low- and middle-income countries – Free

To register, and for more details, please click here


Further information will follow. 

Visit website