UFAW Indo-Pacific Asia Online Workshop

Date: 06/12/2022





Controversies and Collaboration: Moving Toward Consensus in Animal Welfare

Online Event: December 6th-8th, 2022


Call for Abstracts
UFAW is pleased to host this event, enabling researchers in the Indo-Pacific Asia region to present their current animal welfare research to a global audience. This online workshop will run over three part-day sessions on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of December, and scheduled to suit Indo-Pacific Asia region timezones.

This UFAW workshop, which will be free to attend, will feature research from across the Indo-Pacific Asia region and seeks to build trust, confidence, and a sense of collegiality between participants that are committed to progressing animal welfare.


Abstract invitation:
The workshop will have a focus on controversial issues in animal welfare. We would like to organise sessions which present a range of opinions and perspectives around controversial / ‘wicked’ issues. Sessions will typically include presentations followed by an open discussion. We believe that providing a forum to share and discuss these ideas will enable progress toward greater consensus and collaboration across disciplines in animal welfare.

There will be productive, open, and evidence-based panel discussions, chaired by a moderator, after hearing from individual speakers representing different viewpoints on the same theme. For example, ‘Pros, cons and the challenges associated with animal welfare labelling of food products”, was a theme debated by multiple speakers at the 2022 UFAW International Conference.

Each day of the workshop will comprise presentations that fall under the ‘Controversies’ theme, and will also feature talks sharing novel research that does not need to relate to a controversy.

To this end, we invite suggestions for controversy themes, controversy and discussion panel speakers, and regular abstract submissions. Ideally, proposals to cover a controversy should include suggestions of at least two speakers who can provide different perspectives on the controversy. We welcome perspectives from all research disciplines.

We are also happy to accept single abstracts on recent developments in animal welfare science.

We anticipate that contributed talks (both those contributing to a controversy theme and research talks) will be allocated 15-20 minute places on the programme.


Abstract submission deadline: 16th October 2022
Abstracts will be assessed by the organising committee. We aim to notify applicants of abstract acceptance by 31st October 2022

To submit an abstract please complete the form at 

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