Webinar on Invertebrate Animal Sentience

Date: 20/10/2021


This is a free webinar series on invertebrate animal sentience, moderated by Dr Stevan Harnad, founding editor of Behavioral and Brain Sciences and Current Editor-in-Chief of Animal Sentience. Dr Harnad will be  joined by a multidisciplinary panel of experts –  Jonathan Birch (ethicist), Robert Elwood (neurologist), Helen Lambert (animal welfare consultant), Jennifer Mather (comparative psychologist), Giorgio Vallortigara (neurobiologist), Lars Chittka (behavioral ecologist), Irina Mikhalevich (philosopher) – for wide-ranging conversations on the sentience of crabs, lobsters, bees, octopi and other invertebrate animals long considered too simple to experience feelings of distress, pain and pleasure.


October 20th at 5pm – Invertebrate Animal Sentience Part 1 (Stevan Harnad, Jonathan Birch, Robert Elwood, Helen Lambert)

October 27th at 5pm (UK time) – Invertebrate Animal Sentience Part 2 (Steven Harnad, Jennifer Mather (comparative psychologist), Lars Chittka (behavioural ecologist), Irina Mikhalevich (philosopher), Giogio Vallorigara (neurobiologist)

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