Welfare Indicators for Novel Species in Aquaculture
Date: 14/05/2019
Swansea University - Singleton Campus
Meeting high welfare standards during aquaculture diversification is essential for the sustainable growth of the industry, but the culture of novel species poses particular challenges as there is typically limited information to guide best practices. Much has been learned about the welfare requirements of species like salmon, trout or tilapia, but whether this body of knowledge can also be applied to lesser-known species, novel to aquaculture is unclear.
Drawing on contributions from researchers, industry and regulators, this one-day symposium will explore the commonalities and differences in the welfare requirements of different farmed species, and will ask whether some basic welfare metrics exist. It will be followed by a workshop on the welfare requirements of lumpfish, one of the fastest growing farmed fish in Europe.
Places are limited – free early booking is advisable
Further details and the link to register are available here. A leaflet to advertise the event can be found here: 1st Symposium on Welfare in Aquaculture.
Morning symposium – Faraday Building Lecture Room
09:00-09:20 Registration & Welcome.
09:20-09:50 | The effects of stress on the welfare of farmed fish. Uses and misuses of cortisol measurements. Professor Michalis Pavlidis (University of Crete, Greece)
09:50-10:20 | The use of fish behaviour in aquaculture and its use as an operational welfare indicator. Dr. Sonia Rey-Planellas (Stirling University, UK)
10:20-10:50 | Fish welfare criteria in worldwide aquaculture: the CAREFISH project. Maria Filipa Castanheira (University of Algarve, Portugal)
10:50 – 11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-11:30 | Development of operational welfare indicators for lumpfish. Carolina Gutierrez-Rabadan (CSAR, Swansea University, UK)
11:30-11:50 | RSPCA (TBC)
11:50-12:10 | Industry/Retail (TBC)
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Workshop – Welfare of Lumpfish (room to be confirmed)
13:00 -13:10 | Introduction to break out sessions
13:15 – 15:00 | Breakout sessions on three key challenges:
a) Which welfare indicators are most meaningful for lumpfish?
b) What can the industry do to improve the welfare of lumpfish?
c) What does the public/consumers require?
15:00 – 15:30 | Feedback from each group presented by theme leaders
15:30 – 16:00 | General Discussion & Recommendations
16:00 Close
Carlos Garcia de Leaniz, Sara Barrento, Carolina Gutierrez-Rabadan
Swansea University, Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research