Animal Welfare and Environmental Sustainability in Seafood Production

Date: 31/12/2025

RVC Camden Campus

Note that this workshop has been postponed, we are awaiting confirmation of the new date for this to take place. 





To save the planet, we should all be eating more seafood’. This recommendation, known as the ‘blue transformation’ has increasingly been amplified by academics, NGOs, and IGOs alike. However, trillions of aquatic animals are already farmed each year and face severe welfare issues. There are also numerous environmental concerns associated with seafood production. Limited discussion of the trade-offs between climate change mitigation and animal welfare exists in the literature, and even less is known about potential ‘win-win’ strategies to address these issues. This modified Delphi consultation will bring together animal welfare and environmental scientists, NGOs, governmental organisations, and industry professionals to:

(1) identify and rank the most pressing environmental and animal welfare concerns in seafood production

(2) discuss possible ‘win-win’ solutions to these problems

(3) identify the research, policy, and funding targets with the greatest potential impact.


If your expertise lies in any of these fields and you’re interested in participating in the workshop, please email Urja at:

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