AWRN-Workshop on “Cross-fertilization between Neuroscience and Animal Welfare”

Date: 14/06/2021

Newcastle University






A 3-day workshop (14-16th June) to bring together neuroscientists and animal welfare scientists whose work would mutually benefit from each other’s expertise.

Organisers: Dr Tom Smulders (Newcastle), Dr Colline Poirier (Newcastle), Dr Huw Golledge (UFAW).



Animal welfare scientists often try to access animals’ internal states through their behaviour. However, since the nervous system controls and coordinates these states, measuring brain mechanisms has the potential to provide a more direct assessment of these internal states.

So far, many relevant aspects of neuroscience have been studied in the context of human wellbeing, but few preclinical scientists have given much thought to the application of these same principles to animal welfare. Conversely, neuroscientists might benefit from animal welfare scientists’ expertise to scientifically assess whether their attempts to refine experimental procedures have actually resulted in better animal welfare.


The aim of this workshop is to explore this potential cross-fertilization by bringing together neuroscientists and animal welfare scientists whose work would mutually benefit from each other’s expertise.



The workshop will be organised around plenary and short talks, combined with open discussions in break-out groups and with the general assembly. 

This three-day workshop will be organized along three themes:

Day 1: Neuroscience of internal affective states 

Plenary speakers:

  • Angela Roberts, Cambridge University, UK – Neuroscience of internal affective states 
  • Andrew Segerdahl, Oxford University, UK – Animal analgesia and anaesthesia

Day 2: Stress resilience

Plenary speakers:

  • Alon Chen, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel – Neuroscience of stress 
  • Francis McGlone, Liverpool John Moores University, UK – Pain and pleasant touch

Day 3: Stress and the external validity of neuroscience research

Plenary speaker:

  • Judith Homberg, Radboud University, NL – Simple interventions to reduce stress in lab animals

The workshop will be organised around plenary and short talks, combined with open discussions in break-out groups and with the general assembly.

A full Workshop Programme can be viewed here: Programme 14-16th June


Registration is free and can be completed from the link below. Joining instructions will be e-mailed out to delegates nearer the time. 


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