RSPCA Lay Members’ Forum
Date: 05/12/2023
London, UK
RSPCA Lay Members’ Forum – 5 December 2023, London
The annual RSPCA Lay Members’ Forum will be held on 5 December 2023 in central London. This annual meeting is aimed at lay members and other members of Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Bodies (AWERBs).
This year’s meeting will address the following three topics:
Reviewing animal use outside the scope of the ASPA – This may include education and training, non-invasive studies, and most invertebrate use, among others. We will discuss these uses of animals and how establishments are monitoring and overseeing non-ASPA projects.
Retrospective review – This will focus on the task of following the development and outcome of all projects. This session will include practical examples and discuss how lay members can contribute to effective retrospective review.
Committee skills – This session will draw on lay members’ experiences and discuss the kinds of skills that are needed to ensure you feel confident when asking questions at AWERB meetings and dealing with the answers you receive.
View the agenda here.
The cost of registration is £80, which includes lunch and refreshments. Click here to register.
Closing date for registration: 20 November 2023.