WAFL 2021
Date: 16/08/2021
Cork, Ireland
The 8th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level – Virtual Conference
16th-19th August 2021
The WAFL conference is an international scientific conference on the assessment of animal welfare at farm and group level, held once every three years. The focus of this meeting is Animal Welfare Science: Rising to the Challenges of a Changing World. The keynote speakers include Dr Cassandra Tucker (Professor of Animal Science and Director of the Center for Animal Welfare at UC Davis), Dr Stephen Cooke (Lecturer in Political Philosophy at University of Leicester), Dr Paul Rose (Lecturer at University of Exeter and Research Associate at Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust), Dr Frank Tuyttens (head of Farm Animal Welfare & Behaviour at ILVO, Belgium) and Dr Rebeca Garcia Pinillos (vet and founder of One Welfare CIC).
Submissions will be under the following themes:
1. Transdisciplinary approaches to measuring animal welfare
2. Back to basics: practical solutions to improve animal welfare
3. Animal health and welfare: interchangeable or interdependent?
4. The role of animal welfare in addressing global grand challenges
5. Humans in the animal welfare loop
6. Free papers
The deadline for abstract submissions in 1st March 2021.