Technologies in Animal Welfare Seed Funding

AWRN were awarded seed funding from BBSRC for projects on "Technologies in Animal Welfare". Below are the details of the awards. The deadline for these awards has now passed. 


Aim of the Seeding Awards
The seeding awards have the overall aim of stimulating and strengthening collaborations between the animal welfare community, businesses and the charity sector to harness recent technological advances to improve animal welfare. 

What can be funded?
1. Business Interaction Vouchers
Up to £50,000 each, used to support collaborations between academia and industry. Projects must include an industry partner, they do not have to provide funding, however those with in kind or direct funding will be favourably viewed in the assessment process. Will support collaborations for proof of concept, feasibility studies and translational research that de-risks further investment and supports future funding applications.
2. Discipline Hopping Projects
Up to £20,000 each, used to facilitate knowledge exchange by supporting secondments involving academics and industry-based researchers working on technology that could have application to animal welfare. Secondments need to include an industry partner and be for a maximum of 3 months or a series of shorter visits. 
3. Networking and engagement events
Up to £8,000 each, for sandpit events and workshops which will bring together animal welfare researchers with academic and industry-based researchers working on relevant aspects of technology to develop novel ideas. 

Who is eligible to apply?

To apply as the main PI on a project, you must work for an organisation that is eligible for UKRI funding in addition you must meet UKRI eligibility criteria. We encourage ECR's to apply for projects, however they will need an eligible PI to be on the application with them. 

How to apply?
Applications for projects must be submitted by Friday November 15, 2024. The application form must be completed fully, providing comprehensive details regarding the budget, activities, and anticipated impacts.
Application forms are available as an MS Form, allowing for easy access and submission. You can find the application forms here:
Business Interaction Vouchers: 
Link to the BIV Application Form / pdf of the BIV form
Discipline Hopping Projects: 
Link to the DHP Application Form / pdf of the DHP form
Networking and Engagement Events: 
Link to the NEE Application Form / pdf of the NEE form

If you are thinking of applying then we ask that you read the FINAL Guidelines for Applicants BBSRC Animal Welfare Seeding Awards carefully and pay particular attention to the payment procedure and deadlines. Since it is essential that 50% of the total funding pot is spent and able to be claimed by the end of February 2025, priority will be given to applications that can demonstrate the capacity to utilise a significant proportion, ideally the full budget by this milestone. All costs must be billed to QUB by the end of August 2025 and outcomes completed by the end of September 2025

How will projects be selected?
All submissions will be anonymised and reviewed by a funding panel comprised of AWRN Coordinating Group members, industry representatives and Queens University Belfast Business Alliance staff. The assessment criteria are listed in the Guidelines document. Responses will be given as soon as possible to allow for timely project spend after that date.